New Expo during Venice´s Biennale
I have some new exciting news! During the month of May, in Venice, four of my paintings will be exibitited at the Biennale Artbox Expo. I...
New Expo during Venice´s Biennale
Une visite accompagnée par la peintre de L'EXPO "Dedans, dehors mais ensembles"...
A small tour of my new Exhibition "In, out but together" in english! Hope you enjoy!
Veja Corine Thinon falando sobre a EXPO « Dentro, fora mas juntos»
EXPO "In, Out but together" is out very soon. Keep in touch to see the final paintings.
Réverie painting! Click to watch video making of "We all have dreams"
Painting for the new exhibition! Click to watch video! Pintando a nova exposição!
| The first painting from my new exhibition |
| A preparar minha próxima exposição | click here to watch video!